
Monday, March 07, 2005


been busy of late with California Social Studies conference with Willie and Alex Patillo, as well as our online Town Hall meeting, both of which very well. At the online meeting, we decided to work on a game concept to help new users understand how to use the K-Web interface, building community around the PBS broadcast, creating lesson plans, fundraising and creating other visual materials to help people understand the overall capabilities of the K-Web system. You can see everyone's written input (and even add your own to the discussion) by logging into Groupmindexpress.com: http://gme.groupmindexpress.com/k-web/index.php3?object_id=c7745762c7917a09b94039b4523afb94 If you log in from main page, our site is k-web (case sensitive, Open the Feb. Mtg folder). The guest login is guest and the password is guest. If you want, you can add your name to the end of your entries. You can also hear a recording of the conference call until 03/27/2005 by following these steps:

1. To access the conference specified above, click on the link below or paste the entire URL into your browser: http://www2.readycall.com/moderator/presentation/Playback?id=693bec1c-8817-11d9-9923-00d0b7c50dff.rpm
2. At the prompt, enter your name and email address
3. Click "Submit". The playback will begin. You can safely skip the first and last ten minutes.

As always, your suggestions and questions are welcome.


been busy of late with California Social Studies conference with Willie and Alex Patillo, as well as our online Town Hall meeting, both of which very well. At the online meeting, we decided to work on a game concept to help new users understand how to use the K-Web interface, building community around the PBS broadcast, creating lesson plans, fundraising and creating other visual materials to help people understand the overall capabilities of the K-Web system. You can see everyone's written input (and even add your own to the discussion) by logging into Groupmindexpress.com: http://gme.groupmindexpress.com/k-web/index.php3?object_id=c7745762c7917a09b94039b4523afb94 If you log in from main page, our site is k-web (case sensitive, Open the Feb. Mtg folder). The guest login is guest and the password is guest. If you want, you can add your name to the end of your entries. You can also hear a recording of the conference call until 03/27/2005 by following these steps:

1. To access the conference specified above, click on the link below or paste the entire URL into your browser: http://www2.readycall.com/moderator/presentation/Playback?id=693bec1c-8817-11d9-9923-00d0b7c50dff.rpm
2. At the prompt, enter your name and email address
3. Click "Submit". The playback will begin. You can safely skip the first and last ten minutes.

As always, your suggestions and questions are welcome.