
Friday, June 23, 2006

James is finishing the new American book and will soon be ready to spend more time on K-web. We're working with TheBrain.com to do a new beta with much more functionality (for example, search and we may even do a experimental "sandbox" version in which users can add content). I'm also working on posting video, including those made by Chris Imhof and his students, as well as ReConnections (excerpt at http://ourmedia.org/ia/details/JamesBurkeReConnectionsexerpt )

I have added the Virtual Reality sequence from ReConn to our video overview. YouTube cut the resolution to poor quality, so I'll repost elsewhere, but if you have limited bandwidth it's still a good option http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWxHC_8yBrc

We;ll have an onlime meeting with JB soon; let me know if you'd like an invite. pmmckerc@ucsc.edu